Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Desert night.

Shane and I have decided that every night, we are going to load up the girls and take a walk. We have a trail already that's pretty much a big square, and it's a sidewalk that follows edge of the neighborhood. The trail is cool because on the other side of the street is just the desert. When Shane and I went on our walk tonight, we talked about how much we love living in the desert. You know, despite the 115 degree heat in the summer. The summer is usually when I question why I live here. 
Anyway, it was beautiful out. There was a full moon so we could see all shadows of the saugauros, and it smelled all desert-y. Kinda like after it rains in the desert. It has a specific smell. Except it didn't rain. 
I love the desert. Shane plays a video game called Red Dead Redemption that is meant to be in the old south, and you can ride a horse all over the desert. The graphics are so realistic, it's like stepping outside our front door. Except it's set in the 1800' it's not quite like stepping outside our front door. It's even better.
I look forward to our nightly walks. We had fun just chatting along.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awesome! I always say that I'm going to to take more walks but I'm not a fan of walking through my neighborhood. It's boring!
